The aim of this tutorial is to provide an introduction and practical guide to the basic principles for those considering studying the lute. This lesson may also be of interest to the modern guitarist wishing to experience the history surrounding the early lute repertoire. So much academic research and scholarly writing is available, it soon becomes clear that, playing the lute is a big subject! This tutorial is designed to give easy access and an understanding to the right hand thumb/index finger technique, with a few handy tips along the way from a modern lutenist.
Peter Croton A Method for the Renaissance Lute, with a Supplement for the Archlute, from Le Luth Doré, with support materials on the author's youtube channel: (playlist renaissance lute method). The specific link for the tutorial is:
A Tutor For The Renaissance Lute Pdf Download
Peter Croton A Method for the Renaissance Lute, with a Supplement for the Archlute, from Le Luth Doré, with support materials on the author's youtube channel: (playlist renaissance lute method). The specific link for the tutorial is:
I have a love of classical musical, especially from the Renaissance and Baroque periods, what is commonly referred to as "Early Music". Growing up, I played the classical guitar but more recently have been playing the lute family of instruments: baroque lute, renaissance lute, vihuela, archlute, baroque guitar and romantic guitar. In July 2011 I released my first CD entitled Lautenschmaus and in May 2014, released by second CD, Patrons of the Lute . In May 2016 I released my third CD, Weiss Undercover
The English lutenist and composer Brian Wright wrote this work in 2020 in two versions: Version 1 for 8-course renaissance lute, Version 2 for 13-course baroque lute. Both versions are included in this edition. Everything, Theme, Variations and Fugue, are of medium difficulty, set sonorously and variedly, making use of the whole fingerboard.
At the Lute Festival in Füssen, this edition for the renaissance lute was launched, as a publication by the German Lute Society in collaboration with the Société Française de Luth / SFL. It contains 55 intabulations of chansons and dances from French originals that were arranged by German lutenists of the renaissance. Many of the arrangements are those of Hans Newsidler and Wolff Heckel, for whom French music was evidently particularly attractive. Other anonymous tabulatures originate from various manuscripts (for example Munich, Donauschlingen, Basel, etc.).
This book is intended as an intensive course for teenage and adult beginners on the lute, with or without experience on the classical guitar, as a self- tutor or with a teacher, as well as for experienced lutenists who wish to re-evaluate their technique and musical approach. As a prerequisite, I assume basic knowledge of modern music notation and rudimentary sight-singing ability. If these skills are lacking, I suggest taking the time to develop them.
There are several excellent modern methods available for the renaissance lute. I shall cover similar ground in some respects, while additionally emphasizing a vocal approach by using original or imagined texts and employing modern notation (in addition to lute tablature) to help deepen our understanding of the music. My experience is that these tools can bring us closer to the subtleties inherent in our repertoires. Furthermore, I put added emphasis on historical source material, rhetorical expression in performance, physical efficiency of playing based on anatomical principles, and on mental imagery and training. 2ff7e9595c