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Download Red Ace Squadron Full Version
On March 31, 2016, the Emmerian military launched Operation Free Gracemeria and successfully liberated their capital. Shortly afterward, a CFA-44 Nosferatu piloted by Pasternak entered the airspace alongside numerous UAV-45s. Pasternak engaged in a fierce dogfight with Talisman, a duel which would ultimately result in his death.[24] That night, Estovakian officers who opposed the ceasefire with Emmeria employed the Chandelier railgun to launch retaliatory strikes against Gracemeria as celebrations took place in the city.[25] Cruise missiles began approaching Gracemeria and all Emmerian squadrons on patrol were ordered to defend the city. Eventually, the attacks came to an end and AWACS Ghost Eye managed to track the missile trajectory back to the Razgriz Straits.[26] On April 1, numerous Republic of Emmeria Air Force squadrons were dispatched to investigate the vicinity around Sonne Island with orders to destroy the Chandelier. They located the Chandelier and a battle ensued which concluded when Talisman flew into the railgun's barrel and destroyed its core.[27] 2ff7e9595c