Development and ripening in fruit is a unique phase in the life cycle of higher plants which encompasses several stages progressively such as fruit development, its maturation, ripening and finally senescence. During ripening phase, several physiological and biochemical changes take place through differential expression of various genes that are developmentally regulated. Expression and/or suppression of these genes contribute to various changes in the fruit that make it visually attractive and edible. However, in fleshy fruit massive losses accrue during post harvest handling of the fruit which may run into billions of dollars worldwide. This encouraged scientists to look for various ways to save these losses. Genetic engineering appears to be the most promising and cost effective means to prevent these losses. Most fleshy fruit ripen in the presence of ethylene and once ripening has been initiated proceeds uncontrollably. Ethylene evokes several responses during ripening through a signaling cascade and thousands of genes participate which not only sets in ripening but also responsible for its spoilage. Slowing down post ripening process in fleshy fruit has been the major focus of ripening-related research. In this review article, various developments that have taken place in the last decade with respect to identifying and altering the function of ripening-related genes have been described. Role of ethylene and ethylene-responsive genes in ripening of fleshy fruit is also included. Taking clues from the studies in tomato as a model fruit, few case studies are reviewed.
Description of case: An anomalous palmaris longus muscle was found in the right upper extremity of a 63 year-old male cadaver. The muscle was totally fleshy without a long insertion tendon. Its origin was normal, the belly was rather broad and long, fusiform at the upper half and unipennate at the lower half of the forearm, and it was toggled into a short and thick tendon. At its insertion the tendon was split forming a second thinner tendon. The thick tendon was inserted into the flexor retinaculum and the thinner one into the palmar aponeurosis. The muscle compressed the median nerve although no related symptoms were reported on the cadaver's medical history.
BIO 4558 - Taxonomy of the Fleshy Fungi (3) When Offered: Fall. On DemandAn in-depth study of the fleshy fungi (mushrooms [agarics], chanterelles, hydnums, polypores, and corals) with an emphasis on morphology, systematics, and ecology. Methods of collection, macroscopic and microscopic dissection, identification, and preservation are covered. Lecture two hours, and laboratory three hours. Prerequisites: BIO 1801 for non-Biology majors, BIO 1802 for Biology majors. [Dual-listed with BIO 5558.] Dual-listed courses require senior standing; juniors may enroll with permission of the department. Field trips are required.
They are native to Africa and the Arabian peninsula, and their warty stems mostly remain hidden underground. However, once a year after heavy rains, fleshy flowers resembling thick-skinned papaya burst out. Once fully opened, the flowers produce an odour of faeces to attract pollinating dung beetles.
This assessment includes fresh capsicum, tomato, eggplant, cucumber and zucchini). These fresh products have been grouped together for the purposes of this assessment because the inspection techniques are similar and because they have similar biosecurity risks that are associated with fleshy vegetables, particularly their susceptibility for fruit fly infestation and need for mandatory treatment. The following common elements support this position:
This assessment has not attempted to distinguish between pests that are present on the mainland but which may not be present on Norfolk Island. The conditions require that fresh fleshy vegetables must be free of all quarantine pests and other biosecurity risk material.
A summary of import conditions and commercial production practices, which reflect the demonstrated ability to manage and detect all of the target pests is shown in Table 1 - Managed pathway for fresh fleshy vegetables from mainland Australia to Norfolk Island
A 5-year-old boy was brought to his family physician (FP) by his mother, who was concerned about the fleshy growths in front of his ear. She indicated that he was born with them, but they were getting larger. She asked if they needed to be removed.
A. A membranous female cone of E. californica Watson in Sect. Alatae Stapf. B. A coriaceous female cone of E. strobilacea Bunge in Sect. Asarca Stapf. C. A fleshy female cone of E. intermedia Schrenk et Mey. in Sect. Ephedra.
In this paper, we aim to describe a new, freshy cone-bearing fossil species, Ephedra carnosa Yang et Wang sp. nov., from the Early Cretaceous of Liaoning Province, Northeast China. Our discovery provides the first direct macrofossil evidence for the previous molecular systematics of Ephedra, implying that the origin of fleshy bracts in Sect. Ephedra should not have been later than that of the membranous and coriaceous bracts in Sect. Alatae and Sect. Asarca by at least the Early Cretaceous.
A. The triovulate cone of E. carnosa, bearing three spreading, fleshy bracts (b) and three female reproductive units (fru). B. The seed, showing the outer envelope (oe), inner integument (i) and a micropylar tube (mt).
Two alternative hypotheses may be used to explain the thin outer envelope of this new fossil Ephedra. One is that this new species represents the stem lineage of Ephedra and it is the beginning of fleshy cones in response to animal (probably reptiles and birds) dispersal, and subsequent thickened outer envelope would have been evolved into the modern form; the other hypothesis is that the fossil species could not adapt to animal dispersal and become extinct because of its thin envelope. Hence it is an evolutionary blind alley of Ephedra.
Three kinds of agents are known for the dispersal of Ephedra. The dry-winged, membranous bracts type of mature female cones is dispersed by wind while the coriaceous bract type is distributed by seed-catching rodents, and the fleshy bract type is dispersed by frugivorous birds [14], [15]. During Jurassic and Cretaceous, vertebrate-mediated (e.g., early mammals and early birds) seed dispersal interactions may have been important drivers of seed cone evolution in such conifers as Podocarpaceae Endl. and Taxaceae S. F. Grey, resulting in shifts of female cones from the lax open cones typical of Paleozoic and Triassic conifers to the more compact and reduced seed cones that are associated with fleshiness [53]. Remarkably, a seed-eating bird fossil has been discovered from the Yixian Formation of western Liaoning [39], [41]. Probably this is also the case in Ephedra, so fleshiness as an effective vertebrate-mediated seed dispersal mechanism may have accounted for the wide distribution of ephedroid plants in southern Europe, northeastern Asia, eastern North America, and South America during the Early Cretaceous.
The present study of the anatomy of the fleshy, edible storage organ of the carrot plant (Daucus carota L.) describes, in different stages of development, the tissues making up this organ and interprets its gross morphological features in terms of histological details.
While traditionally known for having their ovules exposed to the environment, all gymnosperm lineages have species with fleshy seed-associated tissues. Here, Nigris and colleagues provide an overview of the vast diversity of fruit-like structures present in gymnosperms and the hypothesis available to explain their origin. Fleshy tissues have evolved multiple independent times through the evolution of this group, even in quite distant geological times. Moreover, they have different developmental origins depending on the group: from the ovule integument in Cycas and Gingko, passing by the ovule funiculus in Taxus, to various cone structures in Podocarpaceae and Ephedra. Given this diversity, various hypotheses have been proposed to explain the origin of fruit-like structures in gymnosperms, but most of them remain to be formally tested. Interestingly, recent studies have shown that the development of these structures shares some of the pathways found in angiosperm fruit development, such as the master regulation of MADS-box genes and the softening of tissues mediated by ethylene. Therefore, this review provides an exciting summary of the diversity of fleshy structures associated with gymnosperms seeds and a promising research agenda to unravel their origin. (Summary by Carlos A. Ordóñez-Parra @caordonezparra) Crit. Rev. Plant Sci. 10.1080/07352689.2021.1938397
A simple fruit always developsfrom a single ovary containing one or more carpels andmay or may not include additional modified accessory floral (perianth)structures. In addition, a simple fruit is either fleshyor dry. Fleshy fruitsare often edible and are seen in the fresh fruit and vegetablesection of your local super market. Fleshy fruits include theberry, drupe, pome, pepo, and hesperidium.
A. Simple Fleshy Fruits 1. The Berry Grapes and tomatoes are classified as berries because the ovary wall of the carpel becomes almost completely fleshy at maturity. The number of carpels in each species varies from one to several and their skins can be thin and tender or thin and tough. The number of seeds also varies from one per carpel to many per carpel. The seeds of all berries, are embedded in the fleshy tissue of the carpel. 2. The Hesperidium Hesperidium type fruits are always covered with a leathery rind and the partitions separating their carpels are tough and fibrous. The orange, lemon and grapefruit, all members of the citrus family, are good examples of the hespiridium type of fruit. 3. The Pepo The pepo is covered by a rind that is hard and thick. The cucumber, pumpkin and watermelon are good examples of the pepo type of fruit. Below the rind, the the rest of the ovary wall is soft and fleshy. In the photographs above seeds fill the locule of each carpel. 2ff7e9595c