2/11/00Hey. Thanks a lot for your site. It must've taken a long time to put together. Ireally appreciate it. You seem to have a lot of enthusiasm about your teaching,and I admire that. I'm sure your students are really glad to have such a greatteacher! Thanks again!----Kelly2/4/00As a Senior Citizen in my 70's, I find great pleasure in reading your summariesof the religions of the world. I believe you have been accuarate and fair, evento my own denomination, Seventh-day Adventist. I love history and you areproving a great help to my study.----John F. L.2/3/00Thank you for a wonderful resource site. My wife is a teacher and when I showedher your site, she was thrilled. I'm retired and use the computer at all hoursof the day/night, so this was a very welcome change from other "dull"sources. Again, keep up the excellent work (GREAT JOB)----Darron JohnsonP.S. Your now in my "Favorites" list2/1/00I wish to give you my thanks from the bottom of my heart for your infinatelyhelpful web-site. Your page is by far and away the best resource of it's kind Ihave ever seen on the internet. Also, after seeing your favorite bands andwhat-not in your about me page, I have to say that you have great taste inmusic. As an AP American History student, your web-page has saved my life, and Iwill continue to use it throughout the rest of theyear. I, and others like me, are in your debt. Thank you again.----Al1/27/00I just found your web page and like why didnt I know about it before - itsgreat. I just happened to come accross it on a trip round the net on a wim aboutroyal familes (I was looking for any princess that might be free) and its great.I am at University in UK, studying Psychology and AMERICAN STUDIES so this willbe a place I will return to. Its great - Thanx.(I think I need to find another word than great)Yours Sincearly----O. J. D.1/24/00Hello, I'm a student at John F Ross C.V.I in Guelph Ont.(Canada) During theChristmas holiday I was given a rather morbid task;to look up and write aproject on Hitler and the Holocaust for English class I'm just E-mailing you tothank you for this wonderful site on WW2 'cause it helped me a ton.sincerly yours,----Mireille L.1/24/00I am an assistant principal/teacher and your site has been very beneficial tome. Keep up the good work.----Stephan F.1/24/00hey, your site is the bomb, i had to do research on progressive movement, andyour site gave me facts from every angle, thanks,----NANU1/23/00What a great page!! I am a 52 year old nurse, who happened by while researchingthe Studebaker Brothers. I have not the faintest idea how to create a page, butit sure looks to me like you've done all sorts of work. I've added it to my"favorites". You must be a great teacher, and I'm guessing aChristian, as well. Thanks!----anon.1/22/00Yoursite entitled Teacher Oz's History Kingdom provided tons of information aboutthe Holocaust and I thank you for it. I am in 8th grade and am doing a Holocaust375 point project for a class. I was wondering if you would let me use the infooff your page. We are required to print off a page from an Internet site aboutthe Holocaust, and list 10 things we have learned. Some sites do not like it ifyou print some pages, so i figured it would be best to ask permission first.Thank you.----anon.1/21/00I love your page! I searched for hours on the net looking for Roman Educationand you are the only one that gave the exact info for what I needed!----sonia1/20/00Tracey...Your WebPage is WONDERFUL!!! Thank you so much for giving me theaddress. I'm working on mine right now and I have placed a link to yours. Thisis awesome. I don't think mine will EVER be anywhere near the quality of yours.I think it's wonderful of you to research all of this information. I know youdid it out of love for history, but I can understand why people have used it forpersonal and classroom use. (Yes, I read the comments people left for you.)Once again, thank you!!!See you at school.----Cynthia J.1/19/00In my efforts to find some of the very best information on World War II for ourstudents, I was referred to your page by another one of our technologists. Notonly is it an attractive site with quite a bit of useful information, it seemsyou update it regularly. I have linked it to a track that our students will beusing next week to research World War II.----Dustin W.1/18/00Iwas looking up things for a report on W.W.I. I cam across your site, it's verygood. Thank you for making such a complete site.----anon.1/16/00Thanks for excellent web site it's been veryhelpful, all of the family think it's fantasticyours truly,----John and Sally, Daneil,Samuel,Jessica,and not forgetting Jasmine1/14/00Spasibo! I've learnt alot from reading the sites and parts of the articles fromyour web. I like to know more about Russia and Russian. Thanks you. This is awonderful visit! swear to GOD!----Ivan1/13/00BRAVISSIMA!----Augusto1/13/00I Was looking for maps of WWII all over the web sites. I came across your siteand instantly found the right site and will keep using it for my historyclasses. Your links and information is what the doctor order. Thanks again for agreat site.----KEITH1/9/00HOLY COW!!!!!! It's so organized and easy to search! Your site is definitelygoing to be used when I have to do research papers for my AP European Historyclass. I only regret not finding it earlier this year. The fact that you're ateacher lends authenticity to the information I find too. Thank you, thank you,thank you for creating this site!!Grateful High School Student,----Daphne9011/8/00My name is Cyndie and I am a freshmen in high school. Today I am using yourwebsite to look up some topics on the Middle Ages for two headline newspapercovers I have to make for my Western Civilization class. Your website is helpingme so much and I just wanted to thank you for spending time on making it. I amdefinitely going to be coming back to get information to help me in my WesternCiv class. Thanks again! Bye-bye!----Cyndie1/7/00I just wanted to say that as a historian and a librarian your site is one of thebest indexes of ancient history I have ever seen. As a Rome-aholic I have totell you that I started drooling when I say the list of "RomanWarfare" links.Thank you for the excellent work and keep it up.----Michael W.1/7/00Ijust wanted to say thank you for having a lot of information on the punishmentsof middle ages because i am doing a report and i couldn't find anything!!!!!!!!!so just again i wanted to thank you again for taking time out of your life to dothis. Thank youMike1/6/00I discovered your site while searching for resources for my 8th graders AmericanHistory project. WOW! This has such a wealth of usable information/links. Iappreciate all the work you have put into this.----Linda F., 8th grade teacher1/3/00I just have to congratulate you for coming up with a completely thourough listof the many fashions that the world has gone through. Never have I seensomething on the history of fashion so facenating. I have spent so long goingthrough the many web pages that you have listed. As a fashion student, this pageis so completely helpful. I will bookmark it and use it often for varioushomework assignments and just for my own entertainment. Thank you!Sincerely,----Nicole1/2/00Just thought you'd like to know that your Web site was mentioned in the AtlantaJournal Constitution ( Dec. 29, 1999) in the Food section for a good site tolink up with food and fashion history. Way to go!Keep up the good work,----Mike1/2/00I rarely if ever send comments on websites that I visit, but felt compelled toin this case. Your pages are nothing less than a spectacular historical tourthrough those dark years early in our century.I was a young soldier stationed in Mannheim, GE from 1992-1994 and was fortunateenough to take two trips to the town of Bertchesgaden. It was there that myinterest in the history of WWII and the Third Reich took hold. My Grandfatherserved in the Third Army during its march from Northern France, south throughthe country, and on to Germany. Your site offers so much perspective on thefeelings those soldeirs must have had. Setting foot on the actual ground ofhistorical events sometimes does that to people, and I'm thankful that it did.I'm also thankful that I found this website so full of accurate informationpresented in a non-biased fashion.This site truley reinforces the old saying that we learn from our past. I onlyhope that many others take advantage of the work that you have obviously spentmany hours developing.My thanks to you, I look forward to spending much time here reading andlearning.----Brad A. J., Iowa1/2/00I am writing from the Times Educational Supplement (TES) newspaper in London,England. We are currently in the process of getting teachers to write shortreviews of websites that they have found useful in their teaching. One teacherhas written a short recommendation of your website.Regards,----Samantha
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